Sunday, September 15, 2013

Map of UDL


  1. Nice concept map - it gives me a clear picture of your understanding of the reading. How was your experience using Inspiration to make this concept map? What did you think of doing this rather than a textual response?

    1. In one of my previous courses the professor displayed some samples of outstanding works of her students from previous semesters. What I liked the most was one particular work performed using some kind of a software that I wasn't familiar with. I realize now that software was nothing but Inspiration. This software is a keeper, and I intend to buy it and use it not only for my assignments but also in my work as a volunteer in Arlington Public Schools' REEP program. I definitely believe that organizing and categorizing information is the key to better understanding and longer retaining of learned materials. I have never been a fan of long readings, but I was so proud of myself after I managed to extract the main concepts related to UDL from such a long reading and map them in a meaningful and simple way.

  2. Thank you for sharing - I'm glad you find Inspiration to be useful. How interesting that you have actually seen it before. I hope you get a lot of use out of it.
